May 2003 Four Corners Adventure

This is the main page of our May 2003 adventure. It took us from Santa Barbara, California all the way to Mesa Verde Colorado. My car has roughly 2000 new miles on it from our trip, but it was well worth it.

Day One From Santa Barbara to Vegas. The Mojave desert (as were all the deserts) was in bloom with gorgeous flowers.

Day Two From Las Vegas to Flagstaff, Arizona. The route took us over Hoover Dam, through more desert, and to the Grand Canyon.

Day Three From Flagstaff to Cortez, Colorado. This day took us to the Meteor Crater and through more gorgeous desert.

Day Four From Cortez to Kanab Utah. The day started with a trip to Mesa Verde National Park and we drove through the most spectacular red desert rocks we've ever seen.

Day Five Started in the red rocks of Kanab, Utah and up into the mountains where there is still snow and a lack of leaves on the trees. Later there was wilting due to the 107 degree farenheit temperature of Death Valley.

Day Six Began with a beautiful morning view of snow capped Mt. Whitney. There was more desert as we drove south, two historic missions and then home with half the population of the world's bugs interred on the car's bumper.

[May 2003 Trip Main] [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5] [Day 6]

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Last modified April 2007 by Pam